The skunk. The worst smelling creature EVER to roam this earth. The smell alone is bad but when your pet is sprayed it gets worse!  

Skunks are not often found in big cities as the prefer small towns and a bit more rural areas. Sometimes they are hungry and depend on our trash cans for a 5-star meal. Usually this doesn’t mean much besides a small late-night clean up, but if  your petsare  outside during the night there is a huge chance that  your pet will be skunk’d!

One night our dog named Kitty (A rottweiler) was outside  when she heard a skunk sneak into our yard. She quickly started chasing it while barking. 

This is when my mom rushed outside  to stop Kitty from hurting whatever was out there. At first glance without her glasses my mom thought Kitty had cornered a little kitten so she quickly rushed to stop kitty. 

When my mom got closer she realised that Kitty had cornered a skunk! My mom ran inside to get Kittys dog treats to lure kitty away from the skunk but when she returned to get Kittys collar. It was too late, Kitty was wet with skunk spray

 After doing some research we learned what to do when your dog finds themselves in this situation. Number one first thing to remember DO NOT BRING DOG IN HOUSE. We learned this one the hard way.

In the morning we gave her a bath using tomato juice. We also found that there are other remedies like a mix of hydrogen peoxided, baking soda, and dawn diswashing liquid. There are also many different sprays you can get at pet stores or online.

Now that we been through this we bought something called “Skouts Honor” A highly recommended skunk odor elimminator just in case this happens again. 

The fact is skunks are rather cute and in ordainairy circumstances they are quite peaceful however, when they get threated they will spray.